วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Do young Cambodians know that they are still ruled by the former KR?

Hun Xen, Chea Xim and Heng Xamrin were former Khmer Rouge cadresCambodia sets right painful history in school textsMon, 3 Aug 2009ABC Radio Australia
Cambodia's government is including a 100 page text on the Khmer Rouge period in its 2009 high school curriculum.The Documentation Centre of Cambodia says half a million copies of the text, "A History of Democratic Kampuchea" are being distributed to more than 13 hundred schools across the country.The Centre's Director says it's hoped that students studying the Khmer Rouge past will help build a reconciled society in Cambodia.However, Oppositon Member of the Cambodian Parliament Son Chhay says the text doesn't go far enough.

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