วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Vietnam, Cambodia plan new air routes

Vietnam and Cambodia are planning to open two routes linking the coastal city of Sihanoukville in Cambodia with Phu Quoc Island and Can Tho city in the south of Vietnam.

Experts said that the new air routes will help create an attractive tourism triangle, facilitating the promising service sector of the two countries.

According to Undersecretary of the State at the Secretariat of Civil Aviation of Cambodia (SSCA), Soy Sokhan, SSCA and Vietnam Airlines are conducting a feasibility study for the two new routes.

Chairman of the Cambodian Association of Travel Agents Ho Vandy said both Phu Quoc island in Kien Giang province and Can Tho city are attractive tourism centres in Vietnam.

Once launched, the weekly flights will help transport a large number of foreign tourists to Cambodia, he added.

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Vietnam condemns acts hindering border demarcation with Cambodia

The Vietnamese Government strongly condemned acts and statements made by Sam Rainsy, President of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) of Cambodia, who recently uprooted land markers on the Vietnam-Cambodia border, said a Foreign Ministry spokesperson on October 30.

Sam Rainsy on October 25 visited the border demarcation area between Vietnam’s southern province of Long An and Svay Rieng province of Cambodia and uprooted six temporary poles that mark the position of Marker 185 and then brought them to Phnom Penh. Sam Rainsy also made statements slandering Vietnam as encroaching on the land of Cambodia through the border demarcation and marker planting.

In response to questions from the media about Vietnam’s reaction to Sam Rainsy’s acts and statements, spokesperson Nguyen Phuong Nga said that “ Vietnam and Cambodia are promptly conducting borderline demarcation and planting border markers. Protection of land markers and poles is the shared obligation of the two countries’ governments and people, in accordance with bilateral agreements and international law.”
What Sam Rainsy did was a perverse action, damaging common property, violating both countries’ laws, and bilateral treaties and agreements, hindering the borderline demarcating and marker planting process, she emphasised.

Sam Rainsy’s speeches slandering Vietnam were ill-informed, irresponsible and designed to incite a feud, undermining the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia, she added.

The Vietnamese government urged the Cambodian government to take due measures to deal with sabotage acts, ensuring favourable conditions for conducting borderline demarcation and marker planting between Vietnam and Cambodia, and for the common benefit of both peoples, Nga concluded. (VNA)
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Typhoon Mirinae likely to worsen Cambodia's flood problems: Oxfam

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- International aid agency Oxfam has cautioned that a new wave of rain from Typhoon Mirinae is expected to reach Cambodia on Nov. 2.

In a statement received Saturday, Oxfam said situations in communities already affected by Typhoon Ketsana and prolonged annual floods in central and northern Cambodia are likely to worsen with the effects of the new typhoon, putting already affected people further at risk.

"Typhoon Mirinae is currently on track to hit the northern Philippines island of Luzon . Although Cambodia may not be hit with the full strength of the typhoon, the country remains vulnerable due to its limited resources for preparation and response, and while the country is just beginning to recover from recent flooding," the statement said.

"Typhoon Mirinae could set back on-going emergency work and planned recovery and rehabilitation efforts in Cambodia ," said Francis Perez, Country Lead of Oxfam in Cambodia .

"The effects of the new typhoon could increase hazards in still flooded areas and cause further damage to crops and livelihoods. It may also displace communities or prolong the return of those already displaced by Typhoon Ketsana," he added.

Fearing a new threat of another typhoon, Oxfam is alerting humanitarian agencies and government authorities to help communities living in areas susceptible to flooding to be prepared by stocking on clean water and food and securing important documents.

The damage from Typhoon Ketsana runs to around 40 million U.S. dollars in Cambodia, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The storm, which killed at least 30 people, affected about 6,000 families and destroyed thousands of hectares of rice fields, and local infrastructure such as irrigation systems, roads, schools and houses.

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Construction of Cambodian bourse to begin in Dec


By Ek Madra

PHNOM PENH, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Cambodia expects to begin construction in December on its first stock exchange, a government official said, giving momentum to a long-delayed joint venture with South Korean investors.

'We expect to have the ground-breaking ceremony in December,' Mey Vann, director of the financial industry department at Cambodia's Ministry of Economy and Finance, told Reuters.

The idea of a Cambodian stockmarket has been floated since the 1990s but has struggled for traction in a country known for chronic poverty and a history of upheaval, including the Khmer Rouge 'Killing Fields'.

Cambodian authorities have partnered with private South Korean developer World City Co Ltd to build a $6 million, four-storey stock exchange on the waterfront of a new financial district, Cambodian and World City officials have said.

The area where the stock exchange will be built is flooded swampland on the edge of Boeung Kak Lake in the heart of the Phnom Penh. The end of the rainy season this month will clear the way for workers to begin building the exchange on the corner of what developers are calling Phnom Penh Boulevard.

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Cambodia gives big boost to military budget

By Ek Madra

PHNOM PENH, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Cambodia, one of Southeast Asia's poorest countries, plans to boost defense and security spending by 23 percent next year, its budget showed on Saturday, raising the prospect of a clash with the IMF.

Cambodia plans to spend $274 million on defense and security next year, up from $223 million this year, the budget showed. The total budget for calendar 2010 was $1.97 billion, which meant the military was allocated about 14 percent of total spending.

That compares with 1.7 percent spent on agriculture, the backbone of Cambodia's economy, and 0.7 percent on water resources. About 1.7 percent was set aside for rural development.

Military spending is a sensitive topic in Cambodia because of the millions of dollars of donor money flowing into the country, largely to social programmes.

"This big budget for defense is meant for preventative measures in response to international conflicts," said government spokesman Phay Siphan.

Siphan said the spending was unrelated to tensions with neighbouring Thailand over land surrounding a 900-year-old, cliff-top Hindu temple known as Preah Vihear. Skirmishes in the border area have killed seven troops in the past year.

Thailand is challenging a U.N. decision to make the temple a world heritage site under Cambodian jurisdiction. Cambodia was awarded the temple in a 1962 international court ruling that did not determine who owns 1.8 square miles (4.6 sq km) next to it.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) criticised Cambodia last year for its military spending, leading the Cambodian government to cut back its defense budget during a debate in parliament after questioning by the IMF.

"Donors will not be happy," Ou Vireak, head of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said of the latest military budget.

He said Prime Minister Hun Sen was likely trying to whip up nationalist support by projecting an image of a strong military at a time of heightened tension with Thailand.

"By doing so, he is turning the country effectively into a military state," he said.
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Doc: Cambodia's 'jungle woman' sick, mentally ill

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — A woman dubbed the "jungle woman" after emerging naked and unable to speak from the wilds of northeastern Cambodia two years ago is sick and apparently suffering from mental illness, a doctor said Friday.

Hing Phan Sokhunthea, chief of Rattanakiri province hospital, said the woman, believed to be 28-year-old Rochom P'ngieng, was taken home Friday after four days in a hospital even though she remained weak and the cause of her nervous distress remained unclear.

She was brought from the jungle in early 2007 after being caught trying to steal food from a villager. Her case attracted international attention after a local family claimed she was their daughter, who was 8 years old when she disappeared in 1988 while herding buffalo in a remote area.

However, the relationship was never proven, and it was never established how she could have survived in the wild for 19 years. Some villagers suspected she was not Rochom P'ngieng, but someone else suffering from mental problems who had been lost in the jungle for a much briefer time.

The man who claims to be her father, Sal Lou, said Friday by telephone that the woman still does not speak any intelligible language.

He said his daughter was hospitalized Monday after she refused to eat any rice for almost a month.

"She was very sick and her condition looks worse than when she was first found," he said. "She is very skinny now."

He said he decided to take her back home after her condition didn't improve and she kept trying to run away.

The Rattanakiri doctor said a preliminary diagnosis found she suffered from a nervous condition.

"We wanted her to stay longer in the hospital, so that we could learn more about her mental state, but her father took her back home without letting us know," said Hing Phan Sokunthea.

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Cambodia: World AIDS Day HIV Campaign, 'Testing Millions,' to Again Launch During Cambodia's National Water Festival

During Last Year's 'One Million Tests' World AIDS Day 2008 Campaign, AHF/Cambodia CARES and Cambodian Partners Surpassed Country's 30,000 Testing Goal by Testing 35,034

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, Oct. 31 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As part of an ambitious global effort to test several million people for HIV in observance of the Testing Millions World AIDS Day 2009 campaign, AHF/Cambodia CARES will launch its inaugural testing effort during the annual Water Festival, which marks the end of the rainy season and is the largest festival in the Cambodian calendar. The Water Festival commences Sunday, November 1st. AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest AIDS group in the US which currently provides AIDS medical care and services to more than 120,000 individuals in 22 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia Pacific Region and Eastern Europe, is spearheading the worldwide initiative to test millions. Last year, AHF led the successful 'One Million Tests/World AIDS Day 2008' campaign during which AHF/Cambodia CARES and its Cambodian partners surpassed their country goal of performing 30,000 tests by testing 35,034 individuals, identifying 1,112 HIV positive individuals in the process. The 2008 campaign far exceeded its goal of performing one million tests by testing 1,603,272 people and identifying 61,399 HIV positive people.

AHF/Cambodia CARES, which partners with NCHADS in operating 12 free AIDS treatment clinics throughout the country, has also taken a leadership role to coordinate and partner with other stakeholders to reach as many people as possible for the HIV testing and the Love Condom campaign. As its part of the in-country component of the global testing campaign, AHF/Cambodia CARES has committed to testing 12,000 people for HIV throughout the month of November in Cambodia, one of the countries in the Asia Pacific region that has been hardest-hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

"With the beginning of the Water Festival, AHF/Cambodia CARES will get an early start and launch our country's participation in the 'Testing Millions' World AIDS Day 2009 campaign. We will be testing in Phnom Penh and other provinces and link those found to be positive to a clinic for follow up care and access to lifesaving antiretroviral treatment as well as the positive prevention to stop the spreading of the virus, and those who found as negative will learn about HIV prevention to keep them stay negative" said Chhim Sarath, M.D., AHF Country Director for Cambodia.

Cambodia is one of the poorest nations in Asia and also has one of the most rapidly growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the region. The HIV epidemic has spread beyond high-risk groups such as sex workers, male police officers, factory workers, mobile populations, injection drug users and men who have sex with men, to the general population.

The number of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) centers in Cambodia has increased dramatically over the last 5 years (only 12 sites in 2000 to 216 sites by the end of first quarter 2009). Of the current 216 VCT centers, 194 are supported directly by the government, while 22 are supported by non-governmental organizations.

About AHF

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is the nation's largest non-profit HIV/AIDS organization. AHF currently provides medical care and/or services to more than 120,000 individuals in 22 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia Pacific Region and Eastern Europe. Additional information is available at www.aidshealth.org

SOURCE AIDS Healthcare Foundation

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cambodia, UN mark 64th anniversary of UN Day

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Cambodian government and the United Nations country team on Tuesday jointly marked the 64th anniversary of UN Day, focusing on reviewing common priorities, said a press released from UN Resident Coordinator in Cambodia on Wednesday.

The discussion with Prime Minister Hun Sen and 11 UN Representatives focused on the excellent working relationship between Cambodia and the UN.

"The United Nations brings around 100 million U.S. dollars of development assistance to Cambodia each year but our support stretches beyond the dollar value of this contribution. We have a long-standing history of promoting peace and human development in Cambodia and we are extremely proud to serve the Cambodian people" expressed UN Resident Coordinator to Cambodia, Douglas Broderick.

Topics raised during the meeting included climate change, the global economic crisis, drug awareness, disaster management and Cambodia's support to international peacekeeping.

Among the highest priorities for the UN Country Team is helping Cambodia to achieve its Millennium Development Goals including improving maternal health, the goal currently requiring the most attention.

"The United Nations believes that no Cambodian woman should die giving life. We are committed to assisting the government to scale-up the quantity and quality of midwives and to improve access to emergency obstetrics care and reproductive health services as part of our joint effort to advance maternal health" Broderick assured the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister shared UN concern that the Millennium Development Goals could be endangered by the combined impacts of the global economic crisis and climate change but was grateful to the UN system for its assistance in helping compile information on the goals' progress at sub-national level.

Regarding the global economic crisis and its impact on the local economy, both sides recognized the importance of coordinating closely to maintain focus on the most vulnerable groups.

"We have been pleased by Cambodia's active response to the global economic crisis especially the attention given to social protection and the progress made towards an integrated Social Safety Net strategy. The UN will work with the government to maintain efforts in this area of social protection to ensure that as the world moves out of this crisis, the poorest people are protected from current and future economic shocks"

In closing the meeting, the Prime Minister congratulated the UN on its 64th anniversary and vowed to continue the UN Day meeting tradition.

United Nations Day (October 24) marks the signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945. Cambodia joined the United Nations on 14 December 1955.

The United Nations Country Team in Cambodia consists of 23 agencies, fund and programmes operating in the country.

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Viet Tien opens first outlet in Cambodia

Mr. Nguyen Duc Giang, general director of Vietnam Garment and Textile Group and chairman of Viet Tien Company, said that the firm has chosen Caja Top Ltd. Company to be the sole distributor of Viet Tien products in Cambodia.

Various products of Viet Tien, from shirts to European-style trousers, shorts, and coats, will be sold in Cambodian capital Phnom Penh.

Viet Tien and Caja Top also plan to expand sales of Viet Tien products in Cambodia.

Phan Van Kiet, Viet Tien deputy general director said that the company is preparing to open other outlets in Laos in November before moving into Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia in future.

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Stocks slide as new home sales fall

NEW YORK — Signs of a weaker housing market gave stock investors another reason to be cautious.

Stocks fell Wednesday after the Commerce Department said new home sales dropped for the first time in five months. Sales slid 3.6 percent in September to 402,000 from 417,000 in August, well below the 440,000 analysts had forecast.

Investors also pulled back after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reduced its expectation for the nation's economic output for the July-September period. Goldman Sachs expects third-quarter gross domestic product rose at an annual rate of 2.7 percent, weaker than its earlier forecast of 3 percent.

The government's report on third-quarter GDP is due Thursday morning.

Analysts said the market's slide in the past week isn't surprising given the size of the advance in the past eight months and only mixed economic readings.

"I'm not panicked at the moment," said Manny Weintraub, president of Integre Advisors in New York. "I don't think anyone expected a super robust recovery."

In midafternoon trading, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 67.34, or 0.7 percent, to 9,814.83.

The broader Standard & Poor's 500 index fell for the fourth straight day, sliding 13.88, or 1.3 percent, to 1,049.53. The Nasdaq composite index fell 40.40, or 1.9 percent, to 2,075.69.

In another sign of lingering troubles in the financial industry, GMAC Financial Services is in talks with the Treasury Department for a third bailout. The auto and mortgage lender has been among the hardest hit financial firms by rising loan defaults and troubled credit markets. The government already holds a 35 percent stake in GMAC after giving it $12.5 billion in bailout money.

Stocks struggled Tuesday after a disappointing report on consumer confidence stirred worries about the strength of the coming holiday shopping period. Corporate profits have been improving but investors are still waiting for a rebound in sales.

Stocks have been falling most days since hitting their highest levels in a year at the start of last week. A strengthening dollar and falling commodities prices have at times weighed on stocks.

The dollar rose against most other major currencies, while gold prices fell.

Bond prices rose as investors sought safety from a falling stock market. That sent yields lower. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note fell to 3.41 percent from 3.45 percent late Tuesday.

Crude oil fell $2.08 to $77.47 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The drop in oil weighed on shares of energy companies.

Oilfield services company Schlumberger Ltd. fell $2.05, or 3.2 percent, to $62.88.

Home builders fell after the report on new home sales. Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. slid 37 cents, or 8.6 percent, to $3.93. Toll Brothers Inc. fell 66 cents, or 3.7 percent, to $17.28.

The drop in new home sales follows a report from the National Association of Realtors last week that sales of existing home sales posted the biggest increase in 26 years in September as investors tried to get ahead of an expiring tax credit for first-time buyers. New home sales make up a smaller part of overall sales than sales of existing homes.

Earnings reports also touched off some worries. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.'s profit more than doubled in the third quarter as it cut costs and added products, but the company also said it expects operating income will fall in North America in the fourth quarter. The stock fell $3.41, or 20.4 percent, to $13.33.

Drug distributor McKesson Corp. fell $1.57, or 2.6 percent, to $58.05 after the company's fiscal second-quarter earnings fell short of analysts' expectations.

Apollo Group Inc., parent of the University of Phoenix, fell after the for-profit higher education company said the Securities and Exchange Commission had launched an informal inquiry into how it accounts for revenue. The stock fell $12.93, or 17.7 percent, to $60.04.

Five stocks fell for every one that rose on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 975.7 million shares compared with 814.4 million shares traded at the same point Tuesday.

The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 13.28, or 2.3 percent, to 573.71.

Overseas, Britain's FTSE 100 fell 2.3 percent, Germany's DAX index fell 2.5 percent, and France's CAC-40 slid 2.1 percent. Japan's Nikkei stock average fell 1.4 percent.

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movies article gallery * Why Charleston could land assembly of the 787 * India smashes 354-7 in 2nd ODI vs. Australia *

A Cambodian court on Wednesday upheld the conviction of a prominent opposition lawmaker for defaming Prime Minister Hun Sen in a case that critics charged was part of a pattern of intimidation against his opponents.

Judge Seng Sivutha of the Appeals Court let stand the ruling of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court against Mu Sochua, a member of parliament from the opposition Sam Rainsy Party. He said her action had "incited to other Cambodian women to dislike" Hun Sen.

The original case against her was one of several recent legal actions taken by Hun Sen's government against its critics in the opposition and the press.

"The Court's decision confirms that there is no rule of law in Cambodia when a person dares to challenge the government," her party said in a statement.

When the case against her moved ahead in June, the New York-based group Human Rights Watch said Hun Sen had "a long history of trying to muzzle Cambodia's political opposition and undermine the independence of the legal profession."

The case against Mu Sochua was filed after she attempted to sue the prime minister for remarks he made about her, and he then countersued. In August, she was found guilty and ordered to pay a 8.5 million riel ($2,000) fine to the state and 8 million riel ($1,882) in compensation to Hun Sen.

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court rejected her lawsuit in June, saying it was groundless, but moved ahead with the prime minister's countersuit.

Cambodia's Parliament, dominated by Hun Sen's ruling coalition, then stripped the immunity from prosecution of Mu Sochua and another opposition legislator who was being sued for defamation by Hun Sen and senior military officers, allowing the case to go ahead.

In June, the office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia criticized the lawsuits against the lawmakers, saying they undermine the constitutional freedom of opinion and expression.

On Wednesday, Mu Sochua said that the legal proceedings were totally influenced by political manipulation, and that she would appeal to the Supreme Court.

"My trial is a political prosecution, not a real trial," she said.

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UPDATE: US Airways to Cut 1,000 Jobs, Focus On Hub Cities



US Airways Group Inc. (LCC) will trim 1,000 jobs, or about 3.1% of its total work force and cut flights, focusing on hub cities where it stands to make a profit.

The company said Wednesday it would concentrate on four hubs - Charlotte, N.C., Philadelphia, Phoenix and the District of Columbia, as well as its hourly shuttle service between New York's LaGuardia Airport, Boston and Washington's Ronald Reagan airport.

"By focusing on our strengths and eliminating unprofitable flying we will increase the likelihood of returning US Airways to long-term profitability," Chairman and Chief Executive Doug Parker said in a statement.

The move comes after AMR Corp.'s (AMR) American Airlines said in September that it would change its route network to focus on four key hubs - Dallas/Ft. Worth, Chicago, Miami and New York - while trimming routes to smaller cities. Overall, the airline plans to increase seat capacity by just 1% in 2010.

US Airways, the result of a 2005 merger of American West Airlines and the former US Airways, said it would reduce the number of flights to Las Vegas to 36 from 64 daily departures as a result of increasing fuel prices and weak demand. It also said it would end flights at Colorado Springs, Colo., and Wichita, Kan.

Other changes announced Wednesday include the suspension of five European routes: to London Gatwick; Birmingham, England; Milan, Italy; Shannon, Ireland; and Stockholm, Sweden, from US Airways' international gateway in Philadelphia. It will also give up its right to fly between Philadelphia and Beijing.

As a result of these changes, US airways will initiate systemwide job cuts during the first half of 2010. The reductions include about 600 airport passenger and ramp service jobs and about 200 pilots and about 150 flight attendants, with the shut-down of crew bases in Las Vegas and LaGuarida.

Airlines around the world have suffered from weak passenger demand, especially for business travel, and on international routes. But the declines appear to be stabilizing at many carriers, and last week, US Airways reported that its third-quarter loss narrowed. One bright spot for U.S. Airways and other carriers has been their ability to add new revenue from such things as checked bags and onboard meals, even though fare prices remain low.

Airlines have also been raising cash in recent months to bolster their balance sheets.


-By John Kell, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2480; john.kell@dowjones.com

Ann Keeton contributed to this article
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Cambodian temple puzzle nearly complete

SIEM REAP, Cambodia — On a muggy afternoon in Cambodia's ancient Angkor complex, workers in hardhats hunch over the world's biggest jigsaw puzzle, painstakingly assembling sandstone blocks.

Walled-off from camera-toting tourists, they are finally close to completing an astonishing reconstruction of the fabled 11th century Baphuon Temple.

"This is not easy to plan like a construction project is," says architect Pascal Royere from the French School of Asian Studies, who is leading the rebuilding team.

Restorers dismantled Baphuon in the 1960s when it was falling apart, laying some 300,000 of its stone blocks in the grass and jungle around the site.

But before the French-led team of archaeologists could reassemble the 34-metre (112-foot) tall temple, the hardline communist Khmer Rouge swept to power in 1975.

Up to two million people died from overwork, starvation and torture as the regime tried to re-set Cambodia to "Year Zero" by eliminating reminders of its past -- including the records to put Baphuon back together.

"The archive of the numbering system (for scattered stones) was stolen and destroyed by the Khmer Rouge," Royere says.

"We had to face a kind of jigsaw puzzle without the picture how to rebuild it."

Chinese envoy Zhou Daguan, who visited the Khmer kingdom in 1226, described Baphuon as a "an exquisite site" with a bronze tower.

Baphuon was the largest monument in the Khmer empire when it was built under King Udayadityavarman II as a Hindu temple dedicated to the goddess Shiva.

In the kingdom which at one time spanned parts of modern-day Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia, Baphuon's size was only eclipsed by the famed Angkor Wat temple.

"I believe that when the restoration of the temple is done, a lot of visitors will climb to see it," says Soeung Kong, deputy director general of the Apsara Authority, which oversees Cambodia's ancient temples.

"It is high, so they can have nice views of surrounding temples."

After the 1991 peace agreement to end Cambodia's civil war, French architect Jacques Dumarcay, who was in charge of Baphuon's restoration from 1964 to 1970, rushed back to the site and appointed Royere to do his old job.

Despite invaluable input from Dumarcay and others who worked on Baphuon in the 60s and 70s, reconstruction required measuring and weighing each block, as well as numerous drawings to figure out how each part fits.

When Royere began work on the project in 1993, grass and jungle had grown over most of Baphuon's blocks. He spent much of 1994 trying to figure out how to approach the complicated job.

"Each block has its own place. It can't be replaced by another one because there's no mortar between them and you will not find two blocks that have the same volume and the same dimensions."

It was first estimated Baphuon would be rebuilt by 2003 or 2004. Now Royere says it will take until the end of next year, but adds the hardest task -- stabilizing Baphuon so it doesn't collapse -- is now complete.

Recent work has focused on a 22-metre (72 foot) high pile of rubble which collapsed in 1971, covering a quarter of the monument.

"It was a kind of landslide mixed with blocks. In 2008 we started to dismantle it, taking care of each block and building a concrete retaining wall," Royere says.

"When you take one brick, you have to take care another doesn't collapse. It took double the time we thought."

Last year Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni presided over a ceremony marking the restoration of a 70-metre (230-foot) long reclining Buddha statue along one of Baphuon's walls.

Now, Royere says, his project is entering its final stage, matching parts of intricate ornamentation altered in the 16th century when stones were shifted from the top of Baphuon to build the reclining Buddha.

"Now it's the most interesting," Royere says. "We have now the picture because we worked for a long time."

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Madoff Trustee Advances $534 Million to Customers (Update3)

By Erik Larson

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The liquidator for Bernard Madoff’s firm approved initial repayments of $534.2 million to 1,558 victims who invested directly with the con man’s firm. Another 1,303 victims had their claims denied.

The payments are advances on the group’s allowed claims of $4.43 billion, trustee Irving Picard said today in a conference call. Verified losses from the fraud now exceed $21 billion, he said.

“We have made significant headway in recent months in processing customer claims in challenging circumstances,” said Picard, hired by the Securities Investor Protection Corp. to wind down Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. “We are handling these claims as expeditiously as possible.”

About 16,000 have been filed since Madoff’s Dec. 11 arrest for running a $65 billion Ponzi scheme, Picard said. The sum includes more than 11,000 indirect claims from investors whose money went to Madoff through third-party entities, such as hedge funds.

Picard’s team has recovered about $1.4 billion in assets to repay victims, and filed so-called clawback lawsuits seeking the return of about $15 billion in fake profit from Madoff’s biggest investors and beneficiaries. More suits will be filed, he said. Victims with allowed claims will receive a share of the money Picard recovers.

$21.2 Billion Loss

Picard’s method for calculating claims, using cash deposits minus withdrawals, triggered objections in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York. Many victims want years’ worth of fake profit included in their claims. A judge will decide if his methodology is correct at a hearing scheduled for Feb. 2.

Madoff’s fraud resulted in an actual loss of $21.2 billion for 2,335 accounts, Picard said. The previous number of about $13 billion came from records in the criminal case in June and applied to fewer accounts, he said. The figure could rise as more data is uncovered.

Over the life of Madoff’s New York-based company, there were about 8,000 accounts, of which about 4,900 were active when the fraud collapsed, Picard said. More than 2,500 customers took more money than they deposited and may be sued, he said.

Review Accounts

“Over the next six to nine months, we’re going to be taking a very close look at those accounts on an individual basis,” Picard said. “We’re not going to be suing people who don’t have money.”

Picard’s team had reviewed claims as far back as 1983, and plans to review accounts from the 1970s by analyzing Madoff records on microfilm and microfiche, he said.

Madoff, 71, pleaded guilty to the fraud and is serving a 150-year sentence.

The bankruptcy case is already bigger than all 321 SIPC liquidations performed since 1970, when Congress passed the law that creating the entity, SIPC President Stephen Harbeck said. SIPC is funded by the brokerage industry.

The case is Securities Investor Protection Corp. v. Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, 08-01789, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Korea to Loan $200 Mil. to Cambodia

President Lee Myung-bak, left, is welcomed by Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday. Lee pledged that South Korea will provide a total of $200 million in loans to the nation over the next four years to help its economic development.
/ Korea Times photo by Sohn Yong-seok

By Na Jeong-ju
Staff Reporter

President Lee Myung-bak pledged Thursday that South Korea will provide a total of $200 million in loans to Cambodia over the next four years to help its economic development.

He also said Korea will represent the interests of developing Asian countries at global forums, including the G-20 Summit, which Korea is set to host next November, for balanced global growth.

Lee made the promises during an interview with Cambodia's largest-circulation newspaper, the Rasmei Kampuchea, last week in Seoul.

Lee arrived in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, the second stop on his three-nation, six-day Southeast Asian trip, from Vietnam.

Upon arrival, Lee visited Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni for talks on bilateral economic cooperation. In the afternoon, he held a summit with Prime Minister Hun Sen on increasing economic and cultural exchanges.

"President Lee and King Sihamoni agreed to expand cooperation on various fields, including the agricultural and cultural sectors," Cheong Wa Dae said.

"Underlying the rapid development of Korea-Cambodia relations since the normalization of their ties in 1997, Lee hoped there will be stronger bilateral cooperation."

During his meeting with Hun Sen, Lee asked for the support of Korean firms seeking to participate in Cambodia's infrastructure development projects.

Lee also asked him to play a role in strengthening ties between Korea and ASEAN - a 10-member economic bloc including Cambodia.

On the sidelines of the summit, the two governments signed an agreement, which will provide South Korean firms with 200,000 hectares of land - almost the same land area as Jeju Island - for forest plantation.

Seoul has increased its Economic Development Cooperation Fund to finance economic development programs in poor countries.


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Cambodia, S Korea develop comprehensive strategic partnership: FM

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong announced on Thursday that Cambodia and South Korea has developed comprehensive and strategic partnership.

Hor made the announcement after the meeting between Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and visiting South Korea President Lee Myung-bok.

Hun Sen and Lee Myung-bak held in-depth talks focusing on strengthening the bilateral ties on the various fields as forestry, mineral, agriculture and tourism, Hor told reporters. Both countries also agreed to establish comprehensive strategic partnership from now on, Hor added.

After the meeting, the two leaders witnessed the signing of two agreements on extradition and 200 million U.S. dollars concession loan from South Korea that will implement from 2009-2012.

At the same time, Cambodia agreed to provide multiple entrance visa per year to South Korean tourists to encourage more South Korean tourists to visit here, he said, adding that both sides will sign other seven MOUs for expanding cooperation on Friday at relevant sectors.

Lee paid a two-day state visit here at the invitation of Prime Minister Hun Sen. After Cambodia, Lee will also attend the 15th ASEAN Summit set on Oct. 23-25 in Hua Hin, Thailand, that involves the ASEAN Plus Three and India, Australia and New Zealand.

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Senior Iran MP casts doubt on atom fuel deal

TEHRAN (Reuters) - A senior Iranian lawmaker rejected on Thursday the idea of sending low-enriched uranium abroad for further processing, casting doubt on a proposal aimed at easing international tension over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

The comment came a day after the U.N. nuclear watchdog presented a draft deal to Iran and three world powers for approval within two days to reduce Tehran's stockpile of enriched uranium, seen by the West as a nuclear weapons risk.

"They (the West) tell us: you give us your 3.5 percent enriched uranium and we will give you the fuel for the reactor. It is not acceptable to us," parliament's deputy speaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar was quoted as saying by ISNA news agency.

"The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) is obliged to provide us with the fuel based on the safeguards," he said.

Iran has yet to give an official reaction to the plan submitted by the IAEA Agency after talks this week in Vienna.

Western diplomats said it would require Tehran to send 1.2 tonnes of its known 1.5-tonne reserve of low-enriched uranium (LEU) to Russia and France by the end of the year. The material would be converted into fuel for a nuclear medicine facility in Tehran.

Iran's IAEA envoy has hinted that his government may seek amendments. Western diplomats suggested this could jeopardize the deal if they overstepped "red lines" set to create confidence that Tehran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons option.

(Reporting by Parisa Hafezi; writing by Fredrik Dahl; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

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Protests before British far-right leader's TV slot

LONDON — Protesters are gathering at the BBC studios in London on Thursday ahead of a controversial appearance by the leader of the far-right British National Party (BNP) on a top TV political panel show.

They handed out flyers outside Television Centre condemning the invitation to Nick Griffin on "Question Time", which attracts around three million viewers.

Griffin has thanked the BBC for inviting him and hailed his critics for being "stupid" enough to fuel a high-profile debate over whether he should be allowed on, generating huge publicity for the BNP.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown says Griffin's appearance on the show will be "a good opportunity to expose what they are about" but one of his ministers, Peter Hain, has threatened to sue the BBC for inviting the BNP leader.

The BNP wants to see an end to all immigration to Britain and does not allow non-white members, although that is set to change after a recent court ruling.

Large demonstrations and tight security were expected ahead of Griffin's appearance. He says his biggest concern about the evening is "that I might get shot on the way in."

The hour-long show will be screened at 10:35 pm (2135 GMT) on the BBC1 channel but is thought to be being recorded several hours previously. Related blog: Griffin's TV dream could be nightmare for opponents.

Amid the debate over whether the television exposure will boost the BNP or embarrass Griffin, he praised the broadcaster for giving him the slot.

"Thank you, Auntie," he told the Times newspaper, using the BBC's nickname, adding: "I thank the political class and their allies for being so stupid.

"The huge furore that the political class has created around it clearly gives us a whole new level of public recognition."

In a demonstration of his ability to provoke, Griffin used the Times interview to describe US President Barack Obama as an "Afrocentric racist bigot" and said Afro-Americans should have been resettled in Africa "because the two peoples living side by side would cause problems forever".

The BBC insists it has the duty to hold all democratically-elected political parties up to scrutiny.

The BNP is now in its strongest-ever position after two of its members, including Griffin, were voted into the European Parliament.

Weyman Bennett, joint national secretary of the group Unite Against Fascism (UAF), said: "I don't believe the BNP are going to be taken apart in the debate.

"What they are going to get is a massive hustings for their fascist and racist politics and the price for that will be an increase in the number of racist attacks."

Griffin was pelted with eggs at a protest organised by the UAF as he tried to hold a press conference near the British parliament shortly after being elected.

Around 400 people gathered for a protest held by UAF on Wednesday night.

Police said they would provide "appropriate" security on Thursday while the BNP also said it would take its own measures to protect its leader. Within Television Centre, it will be the responsibility of the BBC itself.

The controversy has also helped turn the spotlight on Griffin's personal life. He lives in rural Wales and is married with four children.

Griffin's wife Jackie was quoted in the Daily Mail describing her husband as "an oddball" who saw politics as a game.

"I thought he would grow out of it," she said. "I was earning money, he wasn't -- what a fool I was."

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Cambodia exile offer for Thaksin increases tension

BANGKOK, October 22 (AP): Thailand's government threatened Thursday to seek the extradition of Thaksin Shinawatra if the fugitive former prime minister accepts an invitation for refuge in neighboring Cambodia. The reaction came a day after Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen pronounced Thaksin a "political victim" and said he was welcome in Cambodia - even adding that there's a house ready for him.
Hun Sen's comments were bound to increase tensions between the often-bickering neighbors and clearly timed to rattle Thailand's current leadership. Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is hosting an annual summit of Asian leaders this weekend under tight security to prevent protests by Thaksin supporters. At a previous summit in April, Thaksin supporters stormed the venue and leaders were evacuated by helicopter.
"I would like to assure Thaksin and his supporters that Hun Sen will be his friend forever," the Cambodian leader told reporters in Phnom Penh on Wednesday after a meeting with influential former Thai prime minister, Gen. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, who recently allied with Thaksin as a member of the opposition Puea Thai Party. Thaksin has been living mostly in self-imposed exile since he was ousted in a 2006 coup. He was convicted last year of conflict of interest and sentenced to two years in prison, and Thai officials have revoked his passports.
"Thaksin was a political victim. I respect and like him more now than when he was a prime minister," Hun Sen said, adding that he has prepared a house where Thaksin can stay at any time. Relations between Cambodia and Thailand have already been sour due to a border dispute over a parcel of land around an 11th century temple. Thai Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban called Chavalit's visit to Cambodia an attempt to "create legitimacy for Thaksin."
"Thailand will make an extradition request if Thaksin is given shelter in Cambodia," Suthep told reporters in Bangkok, dismissing questions about potential damage to Thai-Cambodia relations. Thailand and Cambodia have had an extradition treaty since 2001. Few, however, expect Thaksin to serve his sentence anytime soon. Putting Thaksin behind bars would only agitate Thailand's ongoing political crisis. And, extradition is generally a lengthy process that many countries make exceptions for if they believe politics played a part in the legal proceedings.
Past extradition attempts from other countries have failed due partly to bureaucracy and an inability to locate Thaksin, the government has said. Since the coup, Thaksin has surfaced in Dubai, Hong Kong, Nicaragua, Liberia, and Montenegro in pursuit of investment opportunities. Thaksin, a former telecommunications tycoon, remains popular among the poor who benefited from his populist policies, but he is reviled by many of the elite in Bangkok, where his administration was seen as deeply corrupt. Thaksin has repeatedly denied allegations of wrongdoing.
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UK warns of lack of urgency over Copenhagen talks

By Peter Griffiths

LONDON, Oct 22 (Reuters) - The world lacks a sense of urgency over the importance of the U.N. climate change talks in Copenhagen in preventing a "human emergency" affecting hundreds of millions of people, the British government said on Thursday.

With United Nations talks on a new deal to combat global warming less than 50 days away, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said too many people still failed to grasp the scale and urgency of the problem.

Climate change will deepen Middle East tensions, trigger wars over water and food and lead to unprecedented migration unless action is taken now to curb global warming, he said.

"For too many people, not just in our own country but around the world, the penny hasn't yet dropped ... that this climate change challenge is real and is happening now," Miliband told a news conference.

"The penny hasn't dropped too that Copenhagen is the chance to address on a global scale the climate change challenge. There isn't yet that sense of urgency and drive and animation about the Copenhagen conference."

Disagreement between rich and poor countries on levels of emissions cuts and aid for developing nations to help make those reductions have hampered talks leading to Copenhagen.


Miliband is the latest senior member of the British government to attempt this week to persuade the 192 countries meeting in Copenhagen to "break the impasse" preventing a deal.

Finance Minister Alistair Darling told Reuters he feared the climate talks could drag on like the world trade negotiations [ID:nLL174744], while Prime Minister Gordon Brown said world leaders should intervene to avoid a catastrophe. [ID:nLI642078]

Unchecked global warming will lead to a further 150 to 200 million people migrating, four billion people facing water shortages and climate change dominating the U.N. Security Council, Miliband said. Water shortages in the Middle East will exacerbate the region's problems, he said.

Miliband and his brother Ed Miliband, energy and climate change secretary, published a map showing the possible effects of a global average temperature rise of 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial levels.

It suggested northern areas, such as the Arctic and North America, will have larger temperature rises than the rest of the world. Every continent will face a higher risk of forest fires, while yields of maize and wheat in Africa could fall by 40 percent. Rice yields in Asia may drop by nearly a third.

The hottest days of the year in cities like New York and Washington could be as much as 10-12C (18-22F) warmer.

Sea levels could rise by 80cm by the end of the century, threatening low-lying islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

The map was based on computer models run by the Hadley Centre, Britain's climate research centre, and the data was peer-reviewed. It is online: www.actoncopenhagen.decc.gov.uk.

The 4C rise could be reached by 2060, although it could be as late as 2100, according to the British government's Chief Scientific Advisor John Beddington. He said it was crucial that the world agrees to limit the temperature rise to below 2C.

"There is going to be a danger of (reaching) a tipping point: a sudden, dramatic and unexpected change," he said.
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Fees serve as deterrents to Cambodian health care

Many families delay care for their children in Cambodia because they are worried about costs, says Dr. Dina Kulik.

Many families delay care for their children in Cambodia because they are worried about costs, says Dr. Dina Kulik.

Photo Credit: Dr. Dina Kulik

When I went to Cambodia to work in the National Paediatric Hospital, it was to learn about HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and dengue. While I was there, I found I learned much more about health care delivery and inequality.

In Cambodia, those who have money receive care, despite the facade of a “public” and “free” health care system. Navigating the system for families felt much the same as it does in Canada, though in Cambodia the stakes were much higher.

In Canada. I fight for MRI access; in Cambodia I was fighting for simple access to care.

Despite the Jakarta Declaration’s investment in the determinants of health, including equity and access to health care services for all, I quickly realized that these basic needs are not being guaranteed in Cambodia.

Cambodian health care is public, though many families are charged fees. This leads to an underlying distrust of the health care system. Accordingly, many families will delay visiting hospitals because of the bills they encounter and children will often come to hospital only after they have become very ill.

I saw many cases of dengue, tetanus, AIDS and tuberculosis progressing to end-stages before families thought it necessary to bring their child to hospital. It is not uncommon to hear stories of families that went seriously into debt after borrowing from loan sharks to pay for the care of family members. In fact, many families delay care for their children because they are worried about cost.

In addition, and perhaps most sadly, I saw the consequences of care being delayed even when the patient was brought to hospital in a timely manner. Typically, a family must come up with the funds to pay for investigations and medicines, and until it does, the patient often waits without care — despite the care being “free” and seemingly accessible to all.

Most families seek the much cheaper services of pharmacists, who appear to act as Cambodia’s ‘frontline physicians’. However, the pharmacists are not trained as they are in developed countries. Therefore, it was common to see cases of overdoses, medication interactions and other medication errors. This often led to such consequences as dystonia secondary to metoclopramide prescribed for gastroenteritis and overdoses of paracetamol causing hepatotoxicity.

Nevertheless, despite inequalities of health care delivery, once care is obtained it is of good quality and provided by well-trained health care professionals. Children receive holistic, comprehensive treatment with modern medicines, procedures and investigation. The people are warm and inviting, and eager to gain knowledge and advance their practice.

Health care professionals and patients alike inspired me to continue to strive for excellence in my practice, no matter what challenges I face. Further, my work in Cambodia served as a reminder that unfortunately, we may have a long way to go before all determinants of health are guaranteed for all children around the world.

— Dina M. Kulik, MD, Toronto, Ont
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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Boeing Posts Wider Loss


CHICAGO (Reuters) - Boeing on Wednesday posted a larger-than-expected quarterly loss on costs related to its long-delayed 787 Dreamliner program, but the world's second-largest planemaker reaffirmed that the aircraft is on track to fly this year.

The loss, combined with a lowered 2009 earnings outlook, sent shares down in early trading, although most of the details in the earnings statement had been previously publicized.

"The surprise was they reiterated the (787) schedule," said Alex Hamilton, senior managing director at Jesup & Lamont.

"I always look at these as opportunities to kind of reset the bar," Hamilton said. "I think there's a lot of scepticism growing on the street about their delivery schedule."

Chicago-based Boeing and rival Airbus have been hit hard this year as carriers and cargo operators grapple with the global recession and credit crisis. Meanwhile, Boeing's defence unit struggles with sweeping government budget cuts.

Boeing said its revenue was $16.7 billion (10 billion pounds), up 9 percent from the year-ago period, which was impacted by a labour strike, but still far short of $17.16 billion that analysts had expected, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

"There is no doubt that both our commercial and defence businesses continue to face challenging times right now," Boeing Chief Executive Jim McNerney said on a conference call with analysts and reporters.

Shares of Boeing, a Dow component, were down 1.18 percent at $51.28 at midday on the New York Stock Exchange.


Boeing has grappled this year with delays to the Dreamliner program. The Dreamliner is Boeing's upcoming aircraft that features revolutionary composite materials and construction methods. The plane is two years behind schedule, and some industry watchers say it could be delayed further.

Boeing said on Wednesday the plane would fly this year with first delivery set for the fourth quarter of 2010. The company has a record 840 firm orders for Dreamliners from 55 customers.

The company previously said it would reclassify to research and development costs incurred through July for the first three 787 flight-test planes. Those costs amounted to $2.46 per share. Boeing reported an additional cost of 14 cents per share related to spending on those planes for August and September.

Earlier this month, Boeing said it would delay the first flight and delivery of its 747-8 Freighter and take a 99-cent-per-share third-quarter charge because of high production costs and tough market conditions.

To reflect the 787 and 747 impacts, earnings guidance for 2009 has been changed to a range of $1.35 to $1.55 per share, from $4.70 to $5.00 previously.

"The 787 cost reclassification and the 747 charge for increased costs and difficult market conditions clearly overshadowed what continues to be otherwise solid performance across our commercial production programs and defence business," McNerney said in a statement.

"We look forward to getting the 787 and 747-8 in the air soon and moving forward with flight test and certification for these two important programs," he said.


Boeing said its net loss was $1.6 billion, or $2.23 per share, compared with a profit of $695 million, or 96 cents per share, a year earlier.

Excluding a loss from discontinuing operations, Boeing's quarterly loss was $2.22 per share, compared with analysts' estimates for a loss of $2.12 per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Boeing Commercial Airplanes posted a loss from operations of $2.8 billion. A year ago the unit posted earnings of $394 million. Revenue for the division increased 13 percent to $7.9 billion on higher deliveries.

The division booked 96 gross orders during the quarter, while 17 orders were cancelled. Its backlog was $254 billion.

Boeing's Integrated Defence Systems' earnings from operations were $885 million. Third-quarter revenue was up 3 percent to $8.7 billion on increased military aircraft deliveries.

(Reporting by Kyle Peterson; editing by John Wallace, Dave Zimmerman and Gunna Dickson)

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Fed says economy perked up from depressed levels

By Emily Kaiser

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. economic conditions stabilized or improved modestly in most parts of the country, according to a Federal Reserve report on Wednesday that suggested the economy was slowly clawing out of a recession.

In its "Beige Book" of anecdotal reports on the economy, which was prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond based on information collected before October 13, the Fed noted improvement in two of the hardest hit areas -- residential real estate and manufacturing.

"Reports from the 12 Federal Reserve districts indicated either stabilization or modest improvements in many sectors since the last report, albeit often from depressed levels," the Fed said. "Reports of gains in economic activity generally outnumber declines, but virtually every reference to improvement was qualified as either small or scattered."

U.S. stocks stayed at higher levels after the report was released, while prices for government debt remained lower, as did the U.S. dollar.

The central bank gave a grim assessment of commercial real estate, which is widely seen as one of the big remaining trouble spots for the still-struggling financial sector.

"The weakest sector was commercial real estate, with conditions described as either weak or deteriorating across all districts," the Fed said.

A number of the regional Fed banks said businesses in their area did not expect commercial real estate to improve much, if at all in, in 2010.

"Tenants are demanding significant concessions -- including space improvements and one- to two-year leasing commitments -- along with low rental rates," the Boston Fed reported.


Labor markets were typically characterized as weak or mixed, although there were "occasional pockets of improvement." That assessment supported the view that the worst of the job losses are over, but it may be a while before growth resumes.

The Atlanta Fed said many employers "indicated that they were holding on to the most skilled workers, but have reduced overall hours. They feel that a sustained increase in orders and sales is a prerequisite to adding to payrolls."

Despite all the recent talk about huge bonuses at Wall Street firms, the New York Fed heard from one of its contacts that times were getting tougher for top-tier bankers.

"Compensation -- especially cash compensation -- has reportedly fallen sharply, and is expected to fall further during the remainder of the year and into 2010, most notably for the top earners in the industry," the New York Fed said.

The report said the "cash for clunkers" auto sales incentive program left depleted inventories and slower sales in its wake. Overall spending remained weak in most districts, although "some improvements" were noted.

In residential real estate, which was at the heart of the credit crisis that sparked the recession, the government's $8,000 first-time homebuyers' tax credit helped to lift sales of low- to middle-priced houses, the Fed said. However, residential construction activity remained weak in most districts.
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Pakistan Closes Schools Amid Attacks

ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's schools closed their doors Wednesday, a day after bombings at an Islamabad university, amid warnings of more attacks on a wider range of targets around the country.

The recent spate of attacks in Pakistani cities has come as the army prepared for, and launched, a military offensive in the tribal region bordering Afghanistan that is seen as a stronghold for Taliban and al Qaeda militants.

Intelligence officials warned that the militants could target foreign-controlled gas stations, banks and food chains.

All schools, universities and student hostels were ordered closed and vacated for an indefinite period, "until appropriate security measures are taken," said Qamar Zaman Kaira, the federal minister for information.

Many private schools in Islamabad and other major cities had already shut this week after intelligence reports that suggested militants would try to take students hostage to exchange for militants held by the security forces.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the two suicide bomb attacks on International Islamic University, which killed four students and two bombers Tuesday.

Tariq Azam, a spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, a loose organization of Taliban factions, warned of more such attacks in a phone call to the BBC. Islamic militants have blown up hundreds of girls' schools in northwestern Pakistan, but it was the first time a university was targeted.

Tuesday's university bombing was the seventh major militant attack in just over two weeks and the first since the launch of the military offensive in South Waziristan.

Rehman Malik, the interior minster, said unarmed security guards posted at schools weren't capable of stopping terrorist attacks, and that police had been deployed around major educational institutions.

Fighting continued for the fifth day between government forces and Taliban militants in South Waziristan. Last week, around 30,000 troops launched the biggest offensive yet carried out by Pakistan to clear militants from the border region.

"The troops are facing stiff resistance and the militants are fighting for every space," said Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, the chief military spokesman.

At least 105 militants and 13 soldiers had been killed since the military offensive began on Saturday, according to the military. Access to the region is restricted, and reports by the military couldn't be confirmed.

More than 150,000 civilians have now fled the war zone, according to aid agencies.

A major battle is being fought for the control of Koktai, the hometown of Hakimullah Mehsud, the chief of the main Pakistan Taliban faction. Gen. Abbas said government forces have secured the high ground around the town. The troops have also demolished the houses of Mr. Hakimullah and Qari Hussein, the main trainer of suicide bombers for the faction, the military said.

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Rome goes fishing in Anglican pond

By Robert Pigott
Religious affairs correspondent, BBC News

Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia at Vatican (left) and Dr Rowan Williams in London
The nature of the news conference was kept secret beforehand

The announcement from the Vatican, made simultaneously in Rome and at a news conference in London was dramatic, even historic.

The Roman Catholic Church was going to extraordinary lengths to make it easy for disenchanted Anglicans to convert to Catholicism.

They could join the Roman Catholic Church as full members, but hang on to many of their Anglican traditions and practices - and indeed preserve much of their "Anglican identity".

In the past Anglicans have converted (although many have and are moving in the opposite direction), but it's been on a case-by-case basis.

The creation of a special section of the Roman Catholic Church - backed up by church law - especially for Anglicans all around the world is unprecedented.

At the somewhat bizarre press conference secretively arranged at the offices of the Catholic Church in London, the Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols acknowledged converts had never before been provided with this structure.

"I can't remember quite a response that gives a juridical structure. And in that sense I think I would describe this as a courageous and a generous response by Pope Benedict."

'Progressive' trends

It wasn't just that Rome is paving the way for traditionalists on the Catholic wing of the Church of England to jump ship - it is doing so at a critical moment.

But first a word of explanation - about why this move has such huge implications for the Anglican Church.

Pie chart of the world Catholic and Anglican populations

Since the Protestant Reformation, when the Church of England broke away from Rome, it has been a sometimes uneasy coalition between its Catholic and Protestant members.

It's the huge achievement of the Church that it has kept these two wings together through numerous crises - that over homosexuality being only one of the more recent.

But traditionalists on the Catholic wing have become increasingly disenchanted by "progressive" trends, not so much with respect to liberal moves on homosexuality, but about the ordination of women as priests, and, in the next few years, as bishops.

This development - utterly rejected by the Vatican for the Catholic Church - has been agreed by the Church of England Synod, and the only question is how far traditionalist parishes and clergy will be "sheltered" from having to serve under a woman bishop.

That debate is in the balance, and the Vatican's initiative is bound to have a profound effect - not just on the numbers who leave, but on the sort of church they leave behind.

Many traditionalist "Anglo-Catholics" have threatened to leave the Church and convert to Catholicism, and leaders of their cause say having a home already prepared for them will greatly increase the exodus.

'Immediate exodus'

Fr David Houlding, the leader of the Catholic Group on the Church's synod, said "several hundred" clergy would leave immediately, and something like 1,500 altogether.

Fr Houlding might have his own reasons for thinking big, but it does stand to reason that many wavering Anglicans, including married priests, will go and others will watch to see how they fare.

Pie chart of the UK Catholic and Anglican populations

If they do leave in such numbers, the ground will be cut away from those left in the Church of England trying to preserve the Anglo-Catholic wing of this "broad church".

The departure of the most vociferous opponents of women bishops would surely reduce the pressure on the Synod to make concessions.

Some liberal Anglo-Catholics, who have no problem with women bishops but are desperate to preserve "catholic" traditions, fear they would leave behind a more Protestant church.

Other groups are also deeply unhappy about the way the Vatican sprang its idea.

Bear in mind that the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams knew nothing about this far-reaching move until two weeks ago, and made no contribution to it.

(Could it be a coincidence that at roughly that time news emerged that a special committee was suggesting more generous concessions to traditionalist opponents of women bishops?)

'Unnecessary move'

Some evangelicals - traditionalists but on the Protestant wing of the Church - have joined forces with Anglo-Catholics in an alliance resisting a number of "liberal trends".

Their targets have included the Church's approach to homosexuality, but also their joint opposition to the ordination of women as bishops.

Traditionalist evangelicals now stand to see an important ally massively weakened.

Their powerful lobby, the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, set up in Jerusalem last year, criticised the Pope's move as unnecessary, insisting that Anglo-Catholics had a home in their alliance.

Considering the audacity of the Vatican's initiative, it was muted criticism. But, off the record, evangelicals were briefing that Rome was capitalising on Anglican divisions to poach clergy.

It has no negative impact on the relations of the (Anglican) Communion as a whole to the Roman Catholic Church as a whole
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Only last week the Vatican's senior spokesman on relations with other churches, Cardinal Walter Kasper, said "full visible unity" with Anglicans was Rome's long-term goal.

"We are not fishing in the Anglican pond," he insisted.

But by removing a potentially significant portion of the most "catholic" element from the Church of England, surely that sort of "reunion" has been set back.

Dr Williams stressed the Pope had only been responding to pleas for help from Anglo-Catholics, and insisted that this was not a hostile takeover.

"It has no negative impact on the relations of the (Anglican) Communion as a whole to the Roman Catholic Church as a whole."

However, the archbishop's representative in Rome, Bishop David Richardson, described the Vatican's move as surprising, asking "why this, and why now?"

The initiative, and the extraordinary way it emerged, also indicated the distance between the churches and the public they serve.

Journalists were called to a news conference, but officials refused to say what it was about.

Then the language in which the mysterious developments were explained would have struck most people as complete gobbledygook.

We learned that an "Apostolic Constitution" had been prepared, introducing a "canonical structure" which would establish "Personal Ordinariates".

These would allow former Anglicans to "enter full communion with the Catholic Church" while preserving their "spiritual and liturgical patrimony".

It gave the misleading impression of institutions that were out of touch and irrelevant to the lives of the many unattached but spiritually hungry people whom the churches need to attract.

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Afghan elections: Your stories

An Afghan man peers trough the window of a bus decorated with electoral posters

Officials involved in flawed Afghan elections are being removed ahead of next month's run-off, the UN has said.

The second round, between Mr Karzai and former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah, has been scheduled for 7 November.

Voters in Afghanistan have been digesting the news that they will be required to cast their votes again. Here are some of their thoughts.


It is clear to all that Mr Karzai is our legitimate president after the elections on 20 August.

If the US and other Western countries want a peaceful and stable Afghanistan, they should respect the votes of the poor Afghan people.

My request to the international community is - don't interfere in the elections, otherwise the consequences will be very bad for Afghans and for our international friends.

I am sure that President Karzai will win in the second round - but it's going to be a waste of time and money in such a poor and unstable country.

This is Afghanistan, not Germany or the UK. Democracy is new here.

There is no guarantee that there won't be fraud during the run-off. Only one thing is certain - the Taliban will benefit from this situation.


The people of Afghanistan are not allowed to make decisions anymore. It's Western countries and America in particular who make the decisions in Afghanistan.

They are not here to bring peace, but chaos.

There are explosions and suicide bombings all the time

There was some fraud, I am not rejecting that and it is a concern. Once they establish who committed the fraud, that person should be disqualified for ever. They should not be allowed to run in an election again, as they might do it again.

You can't run for government office if you are guilty of corruption and fraud. There should be new requirements for entry into the election race and we should have new candidates.

Otherwise the problems surrounding the election on 20 August will exist during the run-off. This is disrespectful for those who dared to vote during a difficult security situation.

There is lots of Taliban activity in the whole province of Kunduz, where I live. There are explosions and suicide bombings all the time.

There was fighting in the main city of Kunduz and there were rocket attacks on election day. The highway from Kunduz to Baghlan has also been in the control of militants.

People took the risk and their votes were dismissed. I am not going to vote again

Going to the polls was a big risk. Many preferred to stay at home and only a few went out to vote.

I took the plane to Kabul so I could vote there and I waited there for the ink on my finger to fade away before I returned to Kunduz. The Taliban gave a clear message as to what they would do with those who voted.

People took a risk to vote and then their votes were dismissed. I am not going to vote again.


This is bad news for Afghanistan. We, Afghans, risked our lives in order to elect our president and now, due to foreign interference, we have to do it again.

Abdul Malik Niazi

The international coalition blames our government for everything from the day they put their soldiers on our land. Decisions are made from outside Afghanistan, and I am worried that we'll have a president we didn't want imposed on us.

I doubt that the ECC findings are correct. I do accept that there was fraud, but there should have been some kind of compromise. Why did they have to annul 30% of the votes for Karzai? They could have said only 10 or 20. But I think they wanted to make sure that he didn't get the 50% he needed to win.

The same will happen in the second round, so it doesn't really solve the problem.

It's not going to be possible to hold the elections in two weeks. The weather is changing, it's getting cold and it's going to be very difficult for people to go out and vote. The timing is bad and the turnout will be very low.

The security situation also worries me. This is not Europe - it's Afghanistan.

Muzafar Ali

Unfortunately the decision for a run-off has come too late. The government backed election commission has (unintentionally and unwillingly) dented Karzai's chance of retaining his post for a second time by delaying a run-off, because of upcoming severe cold weather in most parts of the country will prevent people from voting.

This is the first Afghan led election and it was overshadowed by irregularities in the process. A run-off means the next Afghan election will need more intense involvement of foreign observers during the process.

The Taliban's presence and anti-government propaganda has intensified in many areas. People are concerned about this matter, especially in many parts of Taliban ruled Gezab district which borders peaceful Dai Kundi province.

In the places where the Taliban used to have surprise visits in Gezab; they now have a permanent presence. They thoroughly search incoming and outgoing vehicles and passengers.

I am quite hopeful that the run-off will bring a glimmer of hope for Afghans

To some extent the run-off can wash off the bad reputation of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) of Afghanistan.

I am quite hopeful that the run-off will bring a glimmer of hope for Afghans who are currently disappointed. The IEC also needs a major overhaul to prevent such irregularities in future elections.

If IEC officers and authorities were responsible for fraud they should not only be sacked from their position but should also be investigated and put in prison if they are found guilty. Afghans have to pay huge price for such irregularities in elections. It will take time to fully recover from current situation created by the current political dilemma.

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Climate cooperation to help ties, Hu tells Obama

By Emma Graham-Harrison

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Hu Jintao has told his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama that closer cooperation on fighting climate change could help improve overall ties between the world's top two greenhouse gas polluters.

Hu also said he was optimistic about U.N.-led talks on a new global framework to tackle climate change, even though the latest round of negotiations ran into trouble.

"Developing cooperation between the two sides on climate change issues would not only benefit the international community in its efforts to tackle climate change, but also have great significance for promoting the development of China-U.S. ties," the official Xinhua news agency quoted Hu as saying.

The leaders spoke by telephone on Wednesday morning Beijing time. Hu said "the two sides face common challenges in the field of climate change, and shared common interests."

Obama is due to make his first presidential visit to China next month, when he will also attend the APEC regional summit in Singapore and visit Japan and South Korea.

Officials have touted climate change as an area where both sides have much to gain from working together and much to lose if they cannot reach a deal to limit the production of gases that scientists say are warming the atmosphere.

Beijing and Washington also face contention over trade, military plans, and human rights -- all issues likely to be discussed when Hu sits down with Obama in Beijing.


But potential give-and-take across these issues may also help create room for some agreement on climate change, said Wang Ke, an expert on global warming at Beijing's Renmin University.

"China may be able to make more concessions over climate change if it feels it's gaining more in other areas of the relationship, such as trade," Wang told Reuters.

"Balancing across a whole range of issues may be easier than trying for a one-dimensional agreement on climate change."

China and the United States together account for about 40 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, but China's average emissions per person are much lower.

In 2008, fast-growing China's emissions of carbon dioxide reached 6.8 billion tonnes, an increase of 178 percent over 1990 levels, according to the IWR, a German energy institute. U.S. emissions rose 17 percent to 6.4 billion tonnes.

Chinese scientists say higher global temperatures will cause more flooding in the south, droughts in the north and smaller harvests.

But despite growing concern among politicians and the public of many countries, U.N. climate talks on expanding the fight against global warming have largely stalled, making the outcome of a climate summit in Copenhagen in December uncertain. Continued...

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Talks show Iran open to pressure - Israeli official

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JERUSALEM, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Talks that produced a draft deal presented on Wednesday to Iran and three world powers by the U.N. nuclear agency prove that Tehran is vulnerable to international pressure, a senior Israeli defence official said.

The remarks by Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai came as Israelis debate the value of diplomatic efforts to curb Iran's nuclear programme.

Many Israelis are sceptical that Tehran is open to persuasion. Their leaders have made clear they may use force instead if talks do not deliver the results they want.

"This proves just how much international pressure is significant," Vilnai told Israel Army Radio when asked about the plan for uranium stocks put to Iran.

"Iran is a country susceptible to pressures more than we tend to estimate."

Vilnai also stressed that even if Iran endorses the plan to reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium, world powers would need to keep pressure on the Islamic Republic to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons capabilities.

"It's a reason to continue it with full strength, and if we achieve something here, there will be nothing more important."

Iran declined to say if it would endorse the plan, which Western diplomats said would require Tehran to send 1.2 tonnes of its known 1.5-tonne reserve of low-enriched uranium (LEU) to Russia and France by the end of the year for conversion into fuel for a nuclear medicine facility in Tehran.

Though Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons, the lack of transparency around its programme and the virulently anti-Israel rhetoric from Tehran has stirred global fear of secret bomb designs that could draw pre-emptive Israeli military strikes.

Israel, assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, and the United States launched an air defence drill on Wednesday as part of what Israeli public radio called preparation for a face-off with Iran.

Vilnai said Israel would examine the U.N. draft agreement cautiously, "paying attention to every detail", to make sure Iran was not just trying to buy time. (Writing by Ari Rabinovitch; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)
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